Pre-65 Retiree Medical & Individual Coverage Until Medicare Eligible
The ICSO H&W plan offers you a unique solution for your retiree medical coverage. It’s a win-win for you and your retirees, as you can manage the cost of offering this competitive benefit to your employees.
- You control your costs through fixed contributions to a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) to offer retiree coverage on your budget terms
- Employers set the funding level for the Pre 65 premium only HRA.
- Pre 65 Retirees have access to the consultative services of HealthMarkets Insurance Agency when selecting an individual health plan.
- Retirees receive their monthly funding directly deposited into their bank accounts to pay their insurance premium.
- Pre-65 retirees also have access to guarantee issue solutions and personal consultation services through HealthMarkets, Inc.